Since spring 2018, we have been making progress towards bringing truly healthy and quality food to our community. We are the first farm in our area to focus heavily on using permaculture and rotational grazing to effect the enviorment positivley.
Our Mission
To provide the highest quality food to our local area, while simultaneously having the biggest positive impact environmentally that we can. To be a resource for consumers and producers alike, spreading our principles to whoever wants to hear them.
This allows all parties involved to play their roll in natures ecological cycles making the whole planet a healthier more beautiful place.
“Agriculture... is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, & happiness.”
I could not agree more with Jefferson in this regard. Especially if one takes the time to read into what this "real wealth" truly is. I do not believe jefferson was speaking in regards to financial profit. Rather I believe he was speaking to real wealth in the nourishing of the soul and the nourishing of the soils. This real wealth is the building of topsoils and the sequestering of carbon from our atmosphere a universally beneficial feat. While at the same time providing a sanctuary for the farmer and his customers, his neighbors. That is the real wealth a farm produces. ~ Jacob Towe