How You Can Make A Difference
Founder Jacob Towe, holding a young pig.
In a day and age when people are screaming about U.n. climate programs and ocean plastics, it is important to remember that the responsibility is on us to change our future.
Far to often I catch myself thinking “I wish someone would fix that.” When I come across a problem. Chances are if you pay attention you too have this thought when seemingly unsolvable issues comes to mind. The reality is you and I are someones and we have an obligation to do something about the problems in our modern world. If half the effort hollywood spent on virtue signalling to the public was spent on actually attending to the very problems they signal about these issues would be irelevant or miniscule. If ocean plastics bother you, then use less plastic, less single use plastic, more biodegradable plastic. If climate change bothers you, then make dicisions that actually have a postive effect in that area like keeping food miles low and using public transit. buying from local farms that utilise soil building practices results in a cleaner, healthier, more prosperious tomorrow. The single largest impact on land and consiquently the envorment is agriculture. Thus what food you buy DOES make a difference a huge difference. Not only does buying quality food effect you health in a positive manner it also has arguably the biggest impact on the enviorment that you can efffect in your day to day life. If you buy a pound of grain grown half way across the country this is the best case cenario for the process it takes to get it to you: The soil must be prepared with fertilizer and treatments, then the seed is planted, then it is sprayed and tended through the growing process, then it is harvested, the grain is then processed and cleaned ready for packaging, it is packaged, it is put in a warehouse, it is shipped hundreds of miles to a distribution center, it is shipped to a store, it is stocked and waits on a shelf, you drive to the store, buy the grain, drive home, throw away the plastic packaging, now you may use the grain. My neighbor just around the corner from me grows corn and stone grinds the best grits in the world. If you buy his grain it goes from field to package on this farm and then directly to a local store or to you. Are you beginning to see how much of diffrence buying from good local farmers makes? If we want to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren then we need to change the food system. You need to know your farmer. You need to teach your children about food. It is the single biggest thing you can do to effect change from polution to climate control.